The somewhat, partially, untold story of Bill Merkh.


I chose my manager Bill Merkh for this project on account that I find him to be an interesting and unpredictable person. Just from his job alone (manager at a quick serve restaurant) you would assume that he is pretty one dimensional (go to work, see his family, go to bed and start all over again). But, you my friends would be wrong to assume such a thing about Bill and his life. Not only does he has this awesome sarcastic sense of humor but he has brains too. When Bill has the free time, he enjoys writing. In fact, he has one book published and a few plays that have been performed. The book is titled "Numbers" and it was published by Infinity Publishing in Pennsylvania in 2001.

My goal for this project was to show Bill in a different light, rather than the one that is always displayed at work.  My quick witted manager is also a very thoughtful, sarcastic, and modest author. I hope this video will showcase some of the best parts I got out of my conversations with Bill. As I have been invited into Bill’s house for some enlightenment on this topic, I will invite you to watch my video and experience the somewhat, partially, untold story of Bill. I call my project this because I did know a little about Bill and if anyone did their research, I'm sure they could come up with a few facts but this video is truly Bill being Bill.

As you can see Bill has a lot going for him in all departments of life. I work with him so I get to stay updated with information about his writings. I wish I could have included all of these interviews with Bill because they ended up being more humorous then serious. I had a lot of blooper videos leftover, which makes me wish my lap top didn't delete those videos as well. If you had the chance to see them you would really get a sense for Bill; he is really funny and will find any flaw or weakness in who you are or what you said and make a joke out of it. With our background of knowing each other, Bill was not afraid to make fun of me during my interview and that was okay with me because I had the power to edit it out. HaHa.
    What I would like to finish this project with is a video about Bill's comedy. I believe that this video best showcases the Bill I deal with everyday. He only has performed a few times and is thinking about doing it again one day. So here is a sneak preview of his comedic past and what you could see in the future.
"Comedy is tragedy that happens to other people."
Angela Carter.

*The "He" Bill refers to in the first few seconds of the movie is his father.