This CGCE program actually found me when I needed it most; I applied to transfer to Rowan after my two and a half years at Camden County College, unfortunately my financial aid fell through and I had to drop all my classes. While talking to the admissions office at Rowan trying to figure out what I’m going to do the lady at the front desk mentioned this program. She told me that the deadline to apply has passed but she made a few calls and pushed me through. This program sounded like a dream come true for me at that moment. I would take classes at night and keep my job during the day, it sounded perfect. Well a year later and I am still thankful this program found me, and yes there were some rough patches but I do not think I would change this experience.
           I enjoy the co-hort I am with and the classes we have taken. It has been changeling and very stressful at some points but isn’t that what college is like for everybody? I know some of my classmates complain time to time about how awful this program is, but they still come to class and no one is forcing them to, so I guess it can’t be that bad.
            The only frustrating aspect about being apart of this community is there’s so much confusion when it comes to our program. Yes we are Rowan students, but we always feel like we get the crap end of a stick, excuse my lack for better words. I mean how many other teacher programs have sent their students not once but twice to Camden for classroom observations? With a chance of being sent back there again for this semester.